Thursday, September 13, 2007

Changing the World One Child at a Time

In the October 2007 issue of Good Housekeeping Magazine is an article about a donkey-drawn bookmobile in Ethiopia. The bookmobile, filled with used picture books from America, is run by a former children's librarian from San Francisco Public Library. He serves children who live in the streets and those in remote villages. Some children would never see a book, if it weren't for his mobile library. An estimated 72 percent of Ethiopian children can't go to school because their families can't afford to send them. An organization called Ethiopia Reads funds the project. See more at

The librarian quotes in the article; I thought, "How do you bring the little characters of children's literature to children who have no books and no library?" This article reminded me of why I am a children's librarian. When I starting working, I did not know what job I wanted. I knew, that if working was to be worth the time I spent away from my family, it had to be something that made a difference, to me, to the community and to the lives of others. Being a children's librarian gives me the opportuntity to introduce the magic of reading and books to kids. American children have more opportunity to experience books and stories of all kinds, but I am still surprised at the number of kids who don't know fairy tales, fables or classics.
So thanks to the parents of this community for sharing your children with me, as we explore the world of books and stories together. My goal is to influence one child at a time to learn to love reading, books and the library.

Michele, Children's Librarian

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