Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Most have you will have already heard the news that came out last week about the 7th Harry Potter book and the making of two movies from it, instead of just the one as they've done with the others. I was really happy when I logged onto Yahoo! last Thursday night and the news popped up in front of me. The Yahoo! article said something about movie makers feeling like there was too much in the 7th book that couldn't be cut out (as they obviously felt they could just snip away in the other movies).

Well, finally!

I've been waiting for longer movie versions of these books since they started. I don't agree that the others could have so much of the story cut out. My favorite book of the series, The Goblet of Fire, was hacked down to the point that it became an "action highlights of" film. That's not to say that they didn't do a great job with the action, because they did, but where was the rest of the story? I wish all of the books in the series could get longer movie adaptions than they currently have. Harry Potter has such a huge following, it's not like people wouldn't sit through a six or eight hour telling of one of the books. Personally, I wish the BBC made the Harry Potter movies and made them into some nice long films that did the books a greater amount of justice. At least now I can look forward to the 7th and 8th films with greater anticipation.

Click here to read the article from Reuters yourself.

Picky about film adaptations, as always,


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