Thursday, March 18, 2010

Laughed so hard I fell out of my chair...

Just in case you haven't laughed yet today, check out this blog.
Librarians are always finding interesting titles in the collection, but these are some real doozies. We also get titles like these donated by kind, considerate people who haven't cleaned out their bookshelves since the sixties.
Just a thought on donations. If you are getting rid of it because it's old, yellow, mustie, dirty, smelly, stained, outdated, stupid or has pictures that make you want to gag, why would we want it? They are very hard to sell at the annual booksale and not even the Deseret Industries wants them.
What kind of donations do we want? Gently used, items that you have outgrown or already read and won't be using again.

The best donation I ever saw was a 3x5 booklet called "61 Ways to Prepare Tuna". I wrapped it up and gave it as a white elephant gift.

Michele, Children's Librarian

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the site! I'll have to get the RSS feeds for this one!

Thanks for sharing.