Friday, April 16, 2010

ePrep to help high school students with college placement

This week the Brigham City Library paid the subscription to provide ePrep for all students. This service can be used at the library or using any computer with Internet access. ePrep covers the ACT and SAT tests for college placement and also provides tutoring for the PSAT and the PLAN. In the fall the GED will be provided.

In the privacy of your own home your child can be tutored by this exceptional video based online program to do well on these important college placement tests. In the fall, those students who want to pass the GED tests will be able to be tutored in this area.

To use this testing/tutoring product just call or come by the library to get the password. The cost for this service is paid by the Brigham City Library and we hope that you and your children will take advantage of this great service.

ePrep helps students of all ability levels reach their educational goals by offering expert instruction in a way that is engaging, convenient, and student-adaptable. All of us at ePrep believe that master teachers, through their keen insights and broad experiences, are uniquely positioned to engage students as they impart the knowledge and strategies proven to maximize test scores.

Using a well established "test-grade-review" methodology and a proprietary online, video-based delivery platform, ePrep makes connecting with an expert affordable and possible — anytime and from virtually anywhere in the world.

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