Saturday, September 25, 2010

Read a Banned Book during Banned Books Week

Today begins Banned Books Week. It runs from September 25 through October 2, 2010. I think this is my favorite Library "Holiday." I call it a holiday because I like to celebrate.

Banned Books Week is an annual event that is held the last week of September. It's most important purpose is to allow me to celebrate my freedom to read whatever I want without anyone having the ability to keep "dangerous" books away from me. It also celebrates the importance of my First Amendment rights.

Anyone who knows me knows I'm not a particularly political person. (I hear snickering!) But there are certain rights that I hold to be self evident: My right to access any information I feel necessary to know in whatever form that may take; My right to decide for myself and any minors in my care what is unsavory, unorthodox, unpopular, misleading, distressing, disturbing or any of the other 'un's, 'mis's, or 'dis's.

Below you will find a list of the most Banned and/or Challenged books of the 20th Century courtesy of I hope you will use your First Amendment rights and choose to read one this week. For a more complete list or to find out why these books were banned or challenged go to the link provided.


Banned and/or challenged books from the Radcliffe Publishing Course Top 100 Novels of the 20th Century:

"The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald

"The Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger

"The Grapes of Wrath" by John Steinbeck

"To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee

"The Color Purple" by Alice Walker

"Ulysses" by James Joyce

"Beloved" by Toni Morrison

"The Lord of the Flies" by William Golding

"1984" by George Orwell

"Lolita" by Vladmir Nabokov

"Of Mice and Men" by John Steinbeck

"Catch-22" by Joseph Heller

"Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley

"Animal Farm" by George Orwell

"The Sun Also Rises" by Ernest Hemingway

"As I Lay Dying" by William Faulkner

"A Farewell to Arms" by Ernest Hemingway

"Their Eyes Were Watching God" by Zora Neale Hurston

"Invisible Man" by Ralph Ellison

"Song of Solomon" by Toni Morrison

"Gone with the Wind" by Margaret Mitchell

"Native Son" by Richard Wright

"One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" by Ken Kesey

"Slaughterhouse Five" by Kurt Vonnegut

"For Whom the Bell Tolls" by Ernest Hemingway

"The Call of the Wild" by Jack London

"Go Tell It on the Mountain" by James Baldwin

"All the King's Men" by Robert Penn Warren

"The Lord of the Rings" by J.R.R. Tolkien

"The Jungle" by Upton Sinclair

"Lady Chatterley's Lover" by D.H. Lawrence

"A Clockwork Orange" by Anthony Burgess

"The Awakening" by Kate Chopin

"In Cold Blood" by Truman Capote

"Satanic Verses" by Salman Rushdie

"Sophie's Choice" by William Styron

"Sons and Lovers" by D.H. Lawrence

"Cat's Cradle" by Kurt Vonnegut

"A Separate Peace" by John Knowles

"Naked Lunch" by William S. Burroughs

"Brideshead Revisited" by Evelyn Waugh

"Women in Love" by D.H. Lawrence

"The Naked and the Dead" by Norman Mailer

"Tropic of Cancer" by Henry Miller

"An American Tragedy" by Theodore Dreiser

"Rabbit, Run" by John Updike

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