Tuesday, November 23, 2010

E-mail Reminders for Your Check-Outs

Tired of having to remember the due dates on those books you checked out all by yourself?

Why not get a reminder in your e-mail?

Many of you may have already signed-up for our e-mail reminders, but if you haven't now's the perfect time to do it.

Reminders go out every week on books that are coming due in the next eight days and on books that have gone overdue in the past eight days.

E-mail reminders will help you get your books back on time and avoid fines and, if you still forget or just can't make it that week, e-mail overdue notices will let you know that your books are overdue the week they go past due.

Hopefully this will help you stay on top of your check-outs and keep any overdue fines you may accrue to a minimum.

Last week there were 493 reminder notices to go out, but 381 patrons could not be reminded electronically, because there is not currently an e-mail address associated with their account. 113 were in need of overdue reminders, but only 20 of those were able to be sent to patrons. Several patrons have come in relieved that they were receiving reminders, because their books were due and they had forgotten. When they saw the reminder they either brought them back or renewed. Everything got taken care of in time - no late items, no overdue charges.

Reminders saved them $$$!

It's easy to sign-up, just bring in your library card and give your e-mail address to one of our circulation clerks. Help us confirm that your address is correct and complete and your all set!

Reminders are sent on Thursday mornings.

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