Monday, October 17, 2011

YA Author Kristen Chandler to Speak at Book Festival

Kristen Chandler
Join us on Tuesday, October 18th 2011 at 7 p.m. to meet author Kristen Chandler.  In her presentation titled “My Path to Publication: Where I Met Big, Bad Wolves and Other Things that Tried to Kill Me.”  Kristen will talk about getting published and the joy of doing your homework. There will be time at the end for questions.

Wolves, Boys and Other Things that Might Kill Me Kristen Chandler started telling stories before she was old enough to write them down. She fantasized about being a writer as a teenager and then promptly went to college, got an MFA in Creative Writing and began teaching other people to write, thereby assuring that she would always have a "reason" for not writing herself. In the last few years she has changed her ways and is now only marginally employed but is writing full time. She has four children, is an outdoor junkie, and loves nothing more than to make people laugh at her characters' bad behavior. Her two books, WOLVES BOYS AND OTHER THINGS THAT MIGHT KILL ME and GIRLS DON'T FLY are published with Viking Books for Young Readers.

This event is part of the Brigham City Book Festival in partnership with the Utah Humanities Book Festival, a program of the Utah Center for the Book, a Library of Congress affiliate.  This program has received funding from the Utah Humanities Council. The Utah Humanities Council promotes understanding of diverse traditions, values, and ideas through informed public discussion.

The Brigham City Library is located at 26 E. Forest Street.  For more information about this program or other festival programs in Brigham City please call Elizabeth at 435-723-5850.

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