If you are laying awake at night and trying to decide on the purchase of a new car or a washing machine or whatever... You can look at the Consumer Reports magazine from the comfort of your own home and at any horribly early hour you want to. You don't have to have a subscription and you don't need to come to the library in person (because we won't be here at 2 a.m.). The State Library provides our library with access to free periodical articles through their website. Just go to
pioneer.utah.gov or access it through our website under the
Research tab. Once into the Pioneer site, you'll see
Pioneer Databases and under there "magazines". Clicking on magazines will bring up another page with all kinds of magazine search engines for different types of magazine searches.You'll want the
"Masterfile Premiere". Access at home does require an access code and we like you to call in and request that code - job security you know. If you've thought a bit ahead you'll have that before you wake up at 2 a.m. to do your search.
Now you are in to MasterFile where you can put a search term like "washing machine" and further down the page, you can enter the title of the publication you want to search "Consumer Reports". If you just want to browse a certain month of Consumer Reports you can enter the date, such as November 2012. The latest publications are available. At one time they were delayed several months, but now you can get them as soon as they are out - December 2012 is currently available for viewing.
So, the next time you are awake in the middle of the night, do something useful - look up all those items you have on your wish list to buy.
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