Thursday, January 17, 2013

Story Time...What's the Big Deal?

Next week we will begin a new series of Story time programs for kids ages 2-5. I spend approximately 40% of my time either prepping or presenting programs for kids. Why so much time? Let's look and see what the benefits are.

As a children's librarian I believe that reading is necessary for success as well as reaching one's potential. We teach young children to read because it is easier for them to develop this skill at an early age. The consequences of not being able to read are devastating. Did you know that 60% of all prisoners in the U.S. justice system are illiterate and that poor literacy skills have been linked to depression in children as young at age 10? So, what does that have to do with Story time? Programs at the library are designed to promote reading and the love of books. Great programs at the library bring people in and once they are in the building they are 75% more likely to use other services that the library offers.

Programs at the library, like Story time, promote a sense of community. Programs turn a solitary activity of reading into a group activity. It helps socialize children into the community and helps parents feel less isolated from other parents. We can show kids that reading is fun, we can form good reading habits and teach them how a library works. This sets them up to be successful library users in the future. Story time is not just about books but engages children in language and stories as well.  At the library, especially during Story time, we see the social effect of reading. Reading is a way to combat overexposure of media that often promotes violence, bad use of language and poor morals. Attending a program at the library can help a child develop a sense of structure and an awareness of rules and routine setting them up for success when they enter formal school environments.

You may ask the question, "Aren't teachers at school teaching kids how to read?" Well yes, they are teaching the mechanics of reading, but the reality is that most teachers cannot spend enough time with a child to engage them in literature.  It is the libraries' job to promote the love of reading and books.

There is still time to register your child for one of our Story time sessions. Classes available are Tuesdays at 10:00 a.m. or 11:30 a.m. and Wednesdays at 10:00 a.m. or 11:30 a.m. or you can attend one of our drop-in programs which we hold every Thursday at 10:00 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. You don't need a library card to attend any of our classes.  For more information about these and other programs at the library, call us at 435-723-5850 or visit our web page at

Michele Schumann
Children's Librarian

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