Friday, September 2, 2011

Do You Have the Smartest Card?

September is Library Card Sign-up Month, and what a great tie-in to a new School year.  After all, you'll be able to use it on your book reports and research papers, to prepare for the ACT/SAT, or to learn a new language.

If you don't have a card and you're a Brigham City resident you'll need to bring your current drivers license and something else with your current address on it, like a recent piece of mail or a rent receipt.  Parents/legal guardians can sign-up for a card for their children who are under 18.   Kids can get their first card at age six.

If you don't live in Brigham City, but would like a card with us you can get one too by bringing in similar personal documentation and paying the yearly non-resident fee of $60.  It may sound like a lot, but if you plan on using your card a lot it pays off fast, after all - that's only $5 per month for library service, which includes our books, AV collection and online programs like ePrep (Test preparation - ACT, etc.), Byki (Language learning), Universal Class, eBooks, downloadable audio, and more!

Thanks to a borrowing agreement with the Weber County Library, Brigham City residents may also get a Weber County card and Weber County residents can get a Brigham City Library card.

Celebrate by getting your library card, or if you already have one, by using it to discover something new! 

If you  have questions on how to get a card give us a call, 435-723-5850.

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