Saturday, March 22, 2008

Writers' Evening This Tuesday

On 25 March 2008 at 7:00 p.m. the Brigham City Library will be hosting an evening for writers.

It was planned as a single writers' evening, but we've had a lot of interest coming from married writers too. So I'd like to invite all writers to this one, single or not. Oh, by writers I mean anyone who likes to dabble with words on paper - in any form.

Do you like to write?
Do you think you might?

Come and join us!

We'll have fun writing exercises/games to work on and share. No matter what you like to write or how good you are, come and make some friends who have similar interests. Bring your pen and paper, your laptop, or whatever you like to write with. Just come and join us!

The library is located at 26 E. Forest Street. For more information please call Elizabeth, 723-5850.

Come Join the Fun!

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