Please Help Get the Word Around!
I found out this afternoon that Brigham City's fall cleanup will be starting Monday. What does this mean for you? Well, if you live in Brigham City it means you'll get one extra garbage pick-up per week between Monday, 20 October 2008 and Friday, 14 November 2008.
The information will not be in the newspaper until after cleanup begins, so we wanted to help the word get around. You may have gotten a e-mail from us about fall clean up if you're subsribed to one of our BookLetters. You may have gotten more than one if you're signed up for multiple BookLetters. We sent the information out on some of our more popular BookLetter lists. (Pesky librarians, sending out information over and over again.) Anyway, we hope the information is able to reach most, if not all Brigham City Residents. Other city departments are sending out some e-mails too, but we don't have e-mails for everyone in the city.
This information is important for anyone that is a Brigham City Resident. So here's where you can help. Pass along this information by sending it on to your friends, family and neighbors that live in Brigham City. We'd really appreciate it, and if the people you know like the extra garbage pick-ups in the fall, you can be sure they'll thank you for it too.
Brigham City Library
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