Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Computer Class - Beginning E-Mail

Beginning E-Mail - Thursday, 31 March 2011 at 4:30 p.m. (Library Instructor, Sign-up limit: 10 students)

Beginning E-Mail is designed for those who do not yet have an e-mail account but would like one. Students should already have a basic knowledge of how to use a computer and the Internet.

Those who already have an e-mail account, but do not know how to use it could also benefit from this class. Students who already have an e-mail account need to bring their user name and password for that account.

Creating an e-mail account, sending and receiving messages, deleting e-mail, opening/downloading attachments, sending attachments, and printing, logging in and logging out.

By signing-up you reserve a computer and two chairs, so you may bring one (1) friend to share your computer with you, if you would like.

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