Saturday, March 19, 2011

Where or where is my coat... or hat... or sunglasses

This is the time of year that many coats are left abandoned at the library - never to be reclaimed by their owner. Most of them are children's coats and some are in very nice condition. We keep these coats in the back room taking up space as we have no room for them. We walk by them day after day after day until we can't stand it anymore and they go to the DI. I remember my daughter losing her jackets fairly frequently when she did extracirrcular activities after school and she couldn't remember where she'd left them. Parents probably can't remember where their child was when they last had their coat, so remember the library is a good place to check - it might be here. Right now we have two coats waiting for their owners return - one coat is a purple "Outbrook" brand size 4 with a little chain on the zipper that says "Las Vegas". The other is also a girl's coat size 14/16 "Athletic works" brand - its blue and has blue and pink flowers sewn on the sleeve. Sound familiar to anyone?


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