Saturday, July 14, 2012

Carnegie Library Contest

Hi all, this is Kelly writing to you from Oregon, getting ready to send my Carnegie library pictures.  This first picture is of the Carnegie library in Mountain Home, Idaho.  As you can see it is a historical museum now.  The people who run the museum were very friendly and loved being able to tell me a little about the library.  It used to have a stage in the basement, complete with a dressing room, where the community put plays on.  They didn't know if this was added later or if it was orginally built with the stage in the basement.  As tiny as this library is I think it was probably added on later, just my opinion. :)  The dressing room is now the staff kitchen.  They also told me that there has been no remodeling done on the building so all wood and the fixtures are original.  This is probably the smallest Carnegie I have seen but it is still really nice.

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