Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Story Time Review

Happy Thanksgiving!

This week we talked turkey in our Story Time classes. We read I'm a Turkey by Jim Arnosky, 10 Turkeys in the Road by Brenda Reeves Sturgis, Run Turkey Run! by Diane Mayr, I know an Old Lady who Swallowed a Pie by Allison, Thanksgiving in the Barn by Nadine Westcott and Five Silly Turkeys by Salina Yoon. We danced like turkeys to The Turkey Hop from the CD H.U.M. All Year Long from Carole Peterson. We sang Have You Ever Seen a Turkey to the tune of  Have You Ever Seen a Lassie. We used the finger play 5 Little Turkeys and 5 Turkeys Cookin' in a Pan.

We created some homemade puffy paint with 1 part self-rising flour, 1 part salt, enough water to create a thick smooth paste and some food coloring. Then we painted on some turkey feathers that were copied on thick brown construction paper. The final step is to cook the turkeys in the microwave for about 45-60 seconds until the "paint" puffs up and is dry.  The colors of the feathers really popped against the brown turkeys.

My favorite thing this week was our Catch the Turkeys game. I took about 2 dozen small bouncy balls and placed them in a basket. Then I told the children to call the turkeys to come out of the pen. When they gobbled, I tossed the entire basket of balls into the air. "Turkeys" flew everywhere and then the kids played the farmers and had to chase the turkeys and put them back into the pen. The kids loved this game so much we had to play multiple times. This activity went especially well with the book Run Turkey Run!

Next Week: Dogs & Cats

Michele Schumann
Children's Librarian

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