Sunday, March 27, 2011

Submit Your Page to be Highlighted in the Writers' Discussion

Writers’ Discussion with

Victoria Ramirez

Your Pages:

Pacing and Description

Tuesday, 5 April 2011 at 7:00 p.m.

During her April visit, Vicki will lead a discussion on pacing and description which will feature examples submitted by writing group members.

Participants are encouraged to submit up to one page (double-spaced, 12 point font, 1 inch margins) at least one (1) week prior to the event.

Pages will be part of the discussion and should be taken from a portion of the manuscript that deals in some way with tension, pacing, description and/or setting. Pages will be sent to Professor Ramirez in advance and will be projected for the group to see during the discussion.

Pages may be dropped off at the library, marked -' c/o Elizabeth for the Writing Group' - or may be e-mailed to In the subject line please include the words 'writing group - my page'.

All pages should be sent/delivered to Elizabeth at the library no later than 29 March 2011. This will give Vicki time to read them and prepare for the discussion. Contact Elizabeth, 435-723-5850, if you need a later submission date and an arrangement can be made.

Victoria Ramirez is a professor in the English Department at Weber State University where she teaches creative writing and specializes in the novel. She has led several other discussions for the BCPL Writing Group and her presentations are full of energy, inspirational, and educational.

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