Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Library Writing Group

Starting in May the library's writing group will have a new format. Now it's a build your own group format. Group members will have the choice to participate in one of three types of writing programs. There's a writing exercise group, a writing time group, and a few small critiquing groups. You choose one group for each date scheduled. In May you might choose a critiquing group and in June you could choose the writing time group. We're hoping this will better meet the needs of all writers. Details on the three groups are listed below. If you have any questions or would like to sign up for a critiquing group, please call Elizabeth at 435-723-5850. To sign-up for email reminders about the writing group please click here.

Build Your Own Group

Choose from three options to find the writing group that is right for you!

Writing Exercises

Come in and get writing prompts to help you start writing a new story or just for the fun of seeing what you come up with! Prompts can get you thinking about how to put all sorts of things into stories. During this 60-90 minute session there will be ample time to share what you write during the session with other group members. No sign-up required.

Writing Time

Bring in a project you are already working on and use group time to build on that project. This is a great time to set aside 60-90 minutes for your writing and do it in a setting with fewer distractions. There will be time to share what you write during the session with other group members. No sign-up required.

Critiquing Group

A 90-minute session designed to allow small groups to share excerpts from some of their work with other group members and get comments back. Critiquing groups will be limited to four (4) people per group. This will give each participating author approximately 22 minutes devoted to the excerpts they choose to bring. It is suggested that authors bring in a copy for each group member to write comments on. Please limit what you bring in to have critiqued to what you think a group will be able to look at during your 22 minutes. If you wish to participate in a critiquing group you do need to sign-up for each session you'd like a space in. We should be able to accommodate at least two critiquing groups during a normal writing group night. By e-mail, please be sure to use "Writing Group" as the subject and send your e-mail to elizabeth@peachy.bcpl.lib.ut.us. I'll e-mail you a confirmation as to the group you are in. By phone, please call Elizabeth at 723-5850.

Mark Your Calendar!

Future scheduled meetings for the writing group are as follows:

27 May 2008
12 June 2008
24 June 2008
17 July 2008
29 July 2008
17 September 2008
30 September 2008

(All group meetings start at 7 p.m. at the library.)

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